Group Dental Insurance is underrated. Here’s why…

Almost two in five (39%) of UK adults don’t see a dentist regularly and, over the last year, around six million have experienced long-lasting pain (more than two weeks) caused by toothache, according to National Smile Month

This is why we feel dental health is an underrated element of a company’s healthcare plan. It encourages staff to have regular check-ups, thereby preventing future problems from developing.

It also has the bonus of being a low-cost benefit to provide.

Group Dental Insurance enables your staff to claim back the cost of any dental treatments and procedures – whether it’s on the NHS or via a private dentist. It has become one of the fastest growing benefits in the UK, partly because the whole workforce can benefit. 

This article details the benefits of offering dental coverage, lists some of the services offered and provides example costings.

Need a FREE chat with an award-winning broker to help find the perfect blend of health insurance policies for your staff? Contact our independent advisers on +44 (0)1273 974419 or click on the bottom right chat box. 

Prevention: Don’t wait for the dreaded toothache!

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to health and wellbeing. The same applies to dental care. Regular check-ups will highlight any areas you need to be working on, whether it’s brushing or flossing your teeth more often or tackling a penchant for sugary drinks. 

A dentist will also pick up on any potential issues before they become a major problem and may divert you to a hygienist who will give your teeth a deep clean – you might be surprised by just how much better they feel! 

Too many people take oral health for granted, and only arrange to see a dentist when the damage is done. By offering dental coverage as an employee benefit, workers will be prompted to book an appointment and start to take a proactive approach to their oral health. This will decrease the likelihood of them needing to take days off due to an excruciating toothache. 

Remember, even the NHS charges a small amount, so a dental plan will be highly valued by those who would otherwise struggle to afford it. and may reduce absenteeism. 

Insight: Your mouth reveals more than you think

Regular check-ups pick up on more sinister warning signs of poor health. Picture your mouth and teeth as a window into the overall health of your body and mental wellbeing – often very early symptoms will appear in your mouth before anywhere else. Nearly 9 in 10 diseases cause symptoms in your mouth, making a dentist vital in spotting potential health conditions. 

Potential symptoms to look out for include: 

  • Gum, tooth, and jaw pain 
  • Bleeding gums 
  • Loose or lost teeth 
  • Recurring bad breath 
  • Sores, irregular patches, lumps in the mouth

 The causes of these symptoms can be: 

  • Stress
  • Other heart attack symptoms 
  • Gum disease
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis 
  • Sinus infections 
  • Chronic lung infection 
  • Liver/Kidney disease 
  • Oral cancer 
  • Gastrointestinal issues 

Having dental insurance at your staff’s disposal helps them recognise if there are any serious issues with their health.  

Price points: Covering the cost of NHS and private dental care 

Unlike GPs, NHS dentists charge for check-ups and treatments. While it’s cheaper than private schemes, it’s still not super cheap! The NHS have divided dental care into three price bands: 

Band 1: 

  • £23.80
  • Examinations, diagnosis, advice inc. X-rays, scale and polish, planning for further treatments

Band 2: 

  • £65.20
  • All treatments in Band 1
  • Additional treatments e.g., fillings, root canal, tooth extractions 

Band 3: 

  • £282.80 
  • All treatments in Band 1 & Band 2
  • Complex procedures, e.g. crowns, dentures and bridges 

Investing in dental insurance is relatively cheap for businesses and will provide peace of mind for your staff financially when it comes to dental emergencies. Staff have help covering the costs, have access to more services, and can avoid lengthy waiting lists. 

Here are some examples of dental cover pricings: 

NHS cover: 

From £5.60 per employee per month 

NHS cover & basic private cover:

£9.20 – £11.10 per employee per month 

NHS cover & mid-range private: 

£18.25 – £24.70 per employee per month

NHS cover & comprehensive private: 

£28.60 – £35 per employee per month 

Dentistry offers more services than you think

Company Dental includes a huge range of procedures, covering many aspects of health and wellbeing, as well as offering the option to include partners and dependents into the plan. But do keep in mind, the services included in each policy will vary. Here are some of the services that can be offered within a dental plan: 

  • Check-ups
  • Orthodontic treatments
  • Crowns 
  • Mouth cancer 
  • Scale, polish, hygienist
  • Bridges
  • Implants
  • X-rays 
  • Veneers
  • Dental accident/injury 
  • Fillings
  • Dentures
  • Root canal 

Different ways to buy Group Dental Insurance

Group Dental Insurance can be purchased in a variety of ways. Firstly, as a standalone product which can be tailored to fit your business needs. Or it can be accessed as an add-on within a wider Business Health Insurance plan or within a Health Cash plan. As part of a Group Health policy, the dental services aren’t usually as comprehensive as a standalone product, typically operating as a low level cash back – but it can still offer meaningful support to your staff!

There are many insurance providers offering dental cover. Below we have listed some of the main players:

However, just as it is with general Business Health Insurance, the process can be tricky to navigate and easy to get lost in what feels like endless terms and conditions. Seeking out some extra advice and support from an independent insurance broker is the recommended route forward. 

At Engage Health Group, we help you get the perfect employee benefits and health insurance policies for your staff and business, working on your behalf to ensure you avoid any nasty surprises along the way. We specialise in negotiating with insurance companies and find the best quotes possible for your business, completely FREE of charge. 

Contact us at [email protected] or call +44 (0)1273 974419 for FREE no-obligation advice and support. 

Picture of Eleanor Chilvers

Eleanor Chilvers

Eleanor started at Engage in 2021, and is now a Digital Content Writer after studying BA English Literature at University of Sussex for the last 3 years.

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